Bilal, a young filmmaker from Tunisia wants to travel to Los Angeles to meet the great actor Al Pacino to convince him to play in his second feature fiction ETNA the role of PIPO. In our humorous and poetic Mockumentary “In the Trench of the Dream” the Tunisian filmmaker Bilal Athimni, is trying to set up his second directorial feature film, which he wants to film in his hometown Jendouba in Tunisia. He dreams about having actor Al Pacino in his film. He takes the chance to search for him in Los Angeles to convince the big actor to play in his film. The film reflects the political and social circumstances in post-revolution Tunisia and compares them with the current situation in Los Angeles. The filmmaker is not just pointing out the beautiful houses and wealthy lifestyle in the City, but also the problems the modern USA is facing with homelessness and criminality. A rams fight in Tunisia will finally give the filmmaker the Enlightenment for his own struggles of how to proceed with his film.